We are grateful for your interest in learning with us.
In-Person Training Courses:

At our Field School locations, you can learn the Modern Survival System curriculum, which includes Wilderness Survival, Urban Survival, Winter Survival, and Bushcraft First Aid, from one of our Certified Instructors. You will also be able to learn and complete various day classes, ranging from disaster preparedness and kit mentality to flint and steel fire making to hollercraft, with each location offering unique day class opportunities. Field School Instructors can also provide check-off evaluations if you are an online student with Campcraft Outdoors.
Our training sites offer a Biblically-centered, family-oriented approach to learning outdoor skills.
Bethlehem, Kentucky
Prepared Man Outdoors
Booneville, Kentucky
Self-Reliant Mindset
Manito, Illinois
Heavy Crown Forge & Crafts
Havelock, North Carolina
Ark Preparedness
Mobile Training - Nationwide
Burning River Bushcraft
Wellington, Ohio
Surefoot Survival & Self Reliance
Martin, Kentucky
Remnant42 Outdoors
Bradenville, Pennsylvania
Outpour Outdoors
Goshen, Kentucky
Training & Survival
Hazard, Kentucky

Accredited Member
We are an accredited member of the International Outdoor Instructor & Educators Association. IOIEA has ensured that our training courses meet or exceed their national standards. Accreditation represents our commitment to delivering top-notch outdoor experiences and education while maintaining the highest standards of safety, curriculum implementation, and quality.
Online Certificate Courses:
The most economical method of learning survival with us is in one of our online courses. These courses have been endorsed by the National Homeschool Association and recognized by Men's Journal. Our online classes are designed to be practiced at home and can lead to a Certificate of Completion if the learner invests the time required to film each required skill. Instructor Certification is also possible if you complete the on-site Instructor Development course. Click the image below to learn more about each course.
Online Continuing Education Courses:
Supplementary skills, crafts, and continuing education are vital to outdoor education. We provide a growing list of continuing education courses for those enrolled in our online Certificate options. Click the image below to learn more about each course.