An 80/20 approach to Wilderness Survival
Maybe you're familiar with the 80/20 principle. If not, here's a refresher: 80% of all our problems come from just 20% of causes. You learn 80% of any topic in about 20% of the time you study. You spend 80% of your time with less than 20% of your friends. Once you understand this universal principle, you'll start seeing it everywhere.
It's the same in survival. Sure, you can go to an outdoor school a couple of states away, invest thousands of dollars into your gear, travel expenses, and class fees, and then plan on spending the next several years or so attending these classes. Or you can take a shortcut: learn the 20% of survival knowledge that will help you in 80% of the situations.
And this is exactly what the Modern Survival curriculum is all about: a "woodsman's shortcut" to developing life-saving skills for crisis and emergency situations.

My name is Jason Hunt. I am a Survival Skills Instructor. I help individuals and families learn the essential survival skills they need for emergencies using my Modern Survival Online Course. It is an online video training course that helps people that are getting started in wilderness survival and camping to learn the essential skills they will need to survive harsh conditions for up to a month. We do this through a series of step by step teaching videos and field-books so everyone can learn to enjoy the wilderness and be better prepared wherever they may find themselves when disaster strikes.
Survival Mindset Development
Here's a sample of what you'll learn in this course

"The more you know, the less you have to carry. The less you know, the more you have to carry."
~ Mors Kochanski
Your mind is the most powerful survival tool that you have at your disposal, so it must be properly equipped. A survival mindset will help you survive even when you have no tools, limited equipment, or meager supplies.
You will need to overcome fear and panic, deal with boredom and high levels of physical and mental stress, and be mentally flexible and ready to adapt no matter what is thrown at you. We'll look at stories from historical figures and how they managed these issues, as well as cover practical steps in developing a solid plan of mental preparedness.
The experience of hundreds of servicemen isolated during World War II, the Korean conflict, and the Vietnam conflict proved that survival is largely a matter of mental outlook. The will to survive is the deciding factor. When you are not prepared mentally to overcome all obstacles and accept the worst, your chances of coming out alive are greatly reduced.
Home Based Storm and Disaster Preparedness
After an emergency, you may need to survive on your own for several days. Being prepared means having your own food, water, and other supplies to last for at least 72 hours. A home preparedness kit is an essential part of survival training. Your home kit is what will aid you in bridging the gap between sheltering in place and getting out into the wilderness during an emergency.
Being prepared means having your own food, water, cash, and other supplies to last for at least three days, and possibly longer if you are in a remote or hard-to-reach area.
The emergency plan and what each member of your family should have is important, we'll create a basic home kit and discuss food considerations for each person so when the next storm comes through, you are prepared.
Kit mentality, storage locations, and kit types are also discussed as well as each recommended piece and why. All of this information leads us into the hard-skills training necessary to learn to survive up to a month.

Knife & Tool Safety

Learning how to safely use your woodland tools for survival-related tasks is a foundational skill everyone must understand.
Some of the skills you will learn include:
How to hand someone a knife
How to create a safe carving zone
How to split wood with your knife
How to saw wood like a pro
Ways to scrape and maintain your ferro-rod
Compass Navigation
“The man with the knapsack is never lost. No matter where he may stray, his food and shelter are right with him, and home is wherever he may choose to stop.”
~ Horace Kephart
It's easy to get turned around when in the deep woods. The ability to use a compass to find your way through the wilderness is a vital part of survival strategy as it will not only enable you to plan routes but create your own map of areas you have scouted. The ability to find your way out or circumvent obstacles will give you the confidence boost needed to turn a potentially dire situation into a simple inconvenience.

Fire-Starting Methods

Fire is an element of life in the wilderness and the ability to create it when it's wet, cold, or with poor or improper materials is an art form that requires practice. In this course, I'll show you 10 ways to make fire, how to make an emergency fire in under 3 minutes, and even how to carry it over a distance so you can take it with you!
We'll also discuss the various tinder sources, ignition sources, and fire lays to maximize your survival fire-starting potential in the shortest possible time frame.
Methods of Water Purification
Water purification is the process of removing undesirable chemicals, biological contaminants, and suspended solids from water to make it safe for consumption. I will show you 5 ways to make water safe to drink and demonstrate methods to procure it from natural sources.
We will also discuss how hydration affects the body and how to monitor yourself to remain safely hydrated while in a wilderness environment.

Survival Shelter Construction

Knowing how to choose a safe space to rest or camp in is very important. Unknown environmental or biological hazards may be present and I will show you what to look for and where to look for these hazards. While knot tying is usually a sore spot for many trying to learn wilderness skills, I will show you the only 5 knots you will need for survival and will show you how to set up a 3-minute survival shelter.
We will also demonstrate 5 tarp shelter options to give you the flexibility to remain comfortable and productive. These tarp shelter styles will enable you to survive all year-round and all of them are set up using only the 5 survival knots! We'll also discuss methods of heat loss and how to manage these factors through proper shelter set ups.
“As you sit on the hillside, or lie prone under the trees, or sprawl wet-legged by a mountain stream, the great door, that does not look like a door, opens.”
~ Stephen Graham
Making Hunting Tools & Animal Sign
In the short term wilderness survival scenario, finding food is not your top priority. But when it comes to week plus stints in the wilderness, understanding how to look for animal signs, tracks, and build tools to capture them become increasingly important. I will share with you the 10 animal food sources that you are most likely to catch and will show you where to find them.
I will also show you 5 different hunting tools that have been used for centuries to procure your animal harvests.

Self-Rescue Essentials

When all else fails and you need rescue, I'll show you not only how to signal for rescue using tools in your survival kit, but will explain what search teams are looking for and how they go about looking for lost subjects so you can leave the best possible signs for them to follow. You will be trained in search tactics as well!
We'll also create a smoke generator and will discuss different methods of making them along with active and passive methods of signaling.
All this and MORE!

I have taught thousands of students this content in various forms over the past twenty years. In my survival classes, we have always charged at least $300 for this content. Of course, this does not take into consideration the travel costs to my school, the required equipment for the class, or the food you will need for the long weekend, not to mention the day off work for travel!
Most students spend an average of $650 to take this and similar classes at schools nationwide! This is now available online, taught the same way as in my live classes, but with the added content of my Gospel of Survival Book, which fills in the knowledge gaps and truly allows you to learn my curriculum the way it was meant to be learned.
I want you to learn this content so you and your loved ones will be prepared for emergencies!
MODERN SURVIVAL: Wilderness Skills
I really hope you’ll make the right choice here and add the BEST online survival program available to your skills set today so you can ensure a better tomorrow.
There’s never been a better time in our history to do it.
"A lot of people get their undies in a bunch about learning survival skills online citing "armchair survivalist" but I see no difference in online courses for any other subject. If you're not putting your skills into daily practice then I would agree.
Jason Hunt definitely gets you out to work on your skills."

Just got home from a train-the-trainer course and I gotta say it was an eye opener.
It was challenging, and tons of fun! The ruck was a butt kicker, but it feels good to know I can do it. Awesome class, awesome instructors, cant wait to go back to Campcraft Outdoors."

Jason Hunt is a world class bushcraft instructor. His approach to instruction sets him apart from other instructors in the many fields he teaches in. if you're looking for the best outdoor training around then train at Campcraft Outdoors.
BONUS #1- I have already included instructions on how to work your way toward becoming a Certified Survival Instructor. You will learn about our other online course programs that will best prepare you to share these skills with others! You will learn about our online Bushcraft Hygiene & First Aid, Winter Survival, and Urban Survival Skills courses.

BONUS #2- You will be able to attend a LIVE INSTRUCTOR DEVELOPMENT COURSE, where you will not only test out your skills in front of other instructors but also learn all you need to know about the business side of running survival classes and much more. Upon completing ALL FOUR Modern Survival Online Courses and the LIVE IDC, you will be eligible to receive your Instructor diploma and Patch!