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Exclusively at Campcraft Outdoors, you get a free canvas prefilter to fit your new Grayl ($15 value) with each Grayl Geopress purchase. 


Requires zero setup time and makes 24 fl. oz. of clean drinking water in a blazing fast 8 seconds (5L/min) for stealth on-the-go filtration and purification. Covert Edition bottles discreetly provide clean drinking water anywhere on earth with unrivaled ease, speed & convenience. It's a highly coveted everyday carry—sip or chug, fill a hydration reservoir, fill another water bottle, or use it for backcountry cooking.

24oz Grayl GeoPress

    Campcraft Outdoors, Waxed Canvas, Survival Training

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    Campcraft Outdoors, makers of Bushcraft Tools, Bushcraft Gear and Survival Classes. Urban Survival Classes, Bushcraft Classes, Car Survival Kit, Home Disaster Preparedness 

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